Client Background
Justin’s Collision started in a simple one car garage and make-shift paint booth just over 6 years ago. With a passion for painting and repairing vehicles properly for his customers, it truly became “if you build it, they will come.” What started as going to customers houses to write estimates had quickly grown into a business where Justin knew he had to make a move and built his new shop just a few hundred feet from where he started.

The Client Challenge
Justin had been using his makeshift booth until he just couldn’t anymore. He knew he had to purchase a booth to keep up with the workflow currently and as he grew. His needs were simple.
Owner Justin McCann said, “I needed something reliable and wasn’t going to be giving me issues a month after install. I also wanted there to be a relationship there with the company, as I was in the market to spend a good chunk of money. I checked out all the big booth guys. Accudraft was the only ones who listened to what I needed and treated me as a person, not just a checkbook.”
How Accudraft Helped
Justin wound up going with an Italia booth wrapped in Grigio Grey and extended from 24’ to 30’ to be able to fit the big trucks from Texas. He also upgraded the doors to our larger Vetrino glass.

The Results
Owner Justin McCann said, “It’s amazing. Overspray is removed and doesn’t linger. As far as buffing goes, at this point all we have to do is denib. I’m not bragging by any means because no one is perfect. But we get really clean jobs now since we installed our Accudraft. We try to keep the booth and surrounding area as clean as we can. Right now the only dust we have is what comes off of the painter. I can go on and on about what I love about this booth. The number of lights make it super easy to see what I’m doing, it moves air in all areas of the booth and there aren’t dead spots, it heats evenly which means I get my jobs out faster…meaning I don’t have to work as late waiting on paint to dry these days. Don’t even get me started on energy costs. I was REALLY surprised by how little it actually uses.”
When asked about what he would say to someone looking to purchase a booth from Accudraft, Justin said, “What would I say? This industry is full of a lot of products where you second guess and wonder if you made the right decision. Buying this booth, using it daily as I have, I can tell you this is one tool that I’ve purchased where I haven’t second guessed or had the least bit of regret in buying. I’d do it again in a heartbeat and they should be at ease with the purchase.”
Justin’s Collision
Stephenville, TX