New 2014 Colors!
A spray booth is the biggest tool in your shop and should say something about you or your business. The best shops invest in high quality equipment and only Accudraft lets you do it in your own particular style.
Starting at SEMA 2014 Accudraft will now be offering it’s paint booths and finishing products in four different colors. For over 35 years, Accudraft has provided finishing equipment in it’s standard Accudraft Blu™ color and it has become the trademark of Accudraft products around the world. Now, you will be able to get the same trusted performance in three additional colors. Whether you are a franchise or MSO looking for branding and logo/color schemes in your shop or if you just want your shop to look as awesome as your customs do, Accudraft can answer the call. Below are a few examples of shops already created in the colors shown above:

Accudraft automotive & truck paint booths are now available in different colors! – Accudraft Blu is Accudraft’s signature dark blue color that has been its trade mark for over 35 years. Click here or below to check out Accudraft paint booths in four new standard colors!

Accudraft automotive & truck paint booths are now available in different colors! – UltraWhite is one of Accudraft’s newest exterior vinyl colors. UltraWhite™ vinyl exterior has a smooth non-textured matte finish. Click here or below to check out Accudraft paint booths in four new standard colors!

Accudraft automotive & truck paint booths are now available in different colors! – Furia Red is one of Accudraft’s newest textured exterior vinyl coatings. Click here or below to check out Accudraft paint booths in four new standard colors!