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Paint Booth Cleaning – What Not to Do

Paint Booth Cleaning – What Not to Do

The Do’s and Don’ts of Paint Booth Cleaning

Paint booths are certainly an investment for any shop, so it’s important to know how to protect this expensive equipment. The best way to avoid large, upfront repair costs is by performing regular maintenance—which typically comes at a lower cost. For example, a yearly maintenance plan where services are performed monthly or quarterly may cost the same as one huge repair. And that one huge repair may turn into several throughout a year. Regular maintenance is known to help prevent these big problems and save shops a lot of money in the long-term.

While many shops will look to save even more money by performing maintenance itself, you’re better off enlisting the service from a professional. Especially for bigger jobs, like paint booth cleaning, many mistakes can be made if not completed correctly.

Most Common Paint Booth Cleaning Mistakes

The biggest paint booth cleaning mistake a shop can make is leaving the doors open. That includes front and roll up doors! Too many shops leave the booth’s doors open when it’s not needed. Unless a part or car is being transported in or out of the booth, the doors should always be closed. Many technicians also leave the doors open after turning on the booth, which is a mistake. Even if the booth is off, it’s still best practice to keep all doors closed.

Why Does Keeping the Booth Doors Closed Matter?

The small task of closing doors can make a big impact. Open doors allow for dust, airborne particles, and other contaminants to enter the cabin’s air, creating an unclean spray environment. Especially when sanding, blowing, and other prep is being completed nearby, it’s even more important for booth doors to be kept shut.

How Do Paint Booths Stay Clean?

Paint booths can stay clean by practicing the following tips:

Daily Cleaning vs. Periodic Maintenance

Some cleaning tasks can be performed daily by shop technicians, such as blowing out dust, wiping down components, and vacuuming or mopping floors. Others should be completed periodically within a maintenance service plan, including filter replacements, overspray removal, total booth cleanings, and complete diagnostic checks. As a shop, it’s valuable to ensure employees and service providers understand their responsibilities so the two can work together seamlessly.

Paint Booth Cleaning from Accudraft

Accudraft offers periodic, repair, and emergency service to all paint booth owners. We don’t limit ourselves to shops with Accudraft booths but provide service to non-Accudraft booths as well. For further convenience, we also perform cleanings and maintenance after shop hours to eliminate the need for downtime. To learn more about our service plans, contact us online.